Certificate prices for Year 11 renewable transport fuel certificates have firmed as market sources seek further information on a...
Argentina’s biodiesel production will this year fall to its lowest level since 2015, the US Department of Agriculture has forecast...
Prices for German-produced biodiesel look set to rise sharply in the final quarter – and more than the seasonal norm – as a scorching summer in Europe has reduced availability of rapeseed oil, which is the main feedstock for winter-use biodiesel produced in Europe’s biggest economy.
The acting head of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said he will pursue his predecessor's work to overhaul...
Moves by the EU to register Argentine imports of biodiesel for new anti-dumping duties have done little to stem the flow of shipments from the South American country into member states, the European Biodiesel Board said in a letter sent to the European Commission on 20 July.
Rapeseed demand for biodiesel in the EU is expected to fall by over 1 million mt, or 17%, in 2018...
Buenos Aires will trial the use of B100 biodiesel on one of its major public transport routes by the end of this year, local press reported, another initiative aimed at hiking domestic demand for one of its main agricultural commodities.
The main US ethanol lobby has given a frosty response to a 3% increase in the US biofuels blending mandate, which it said was undermined by exemptions granted to small refiners.
Talks on the UN aviation agency ICAO’s greenhouse gas reduction scheme may fail to agree guidelines on the use of biofuels and carbon offsets next week, prolonging uncertainty for fuels suppliers who are looking for clearer investment signals to emerge.
Palm oil producers in south-east Asia will have limited scope to find replacement markets after the EU begins a likely phase-down of the commodity’s use in biofuels after 2023, mainly because China and India are keen to protect domestic farmers.
The government of Argentina’s Santa Fe province has launched an initiative through which half of the bus fleet in the city of Rosario will use biodiesel.
Argentina exported just 120,000 mt of biodiesel in April, down 28.4% from 167,600 mt in the same month of 2017, latest statistics from Argentina’s Ministry of Energy show.
EU institutions have agreed to cap the use of crop-based biofuels at 7%, set a 14% threshold for renewable fuels and will gradually phase out most palm oil and some imported soy by 2030.
The Argentine government has authorised hikes in the price of biodiesel and bioethanol in the domestic market.
The European Union has taken a major step towards slapping revised duties on Argentine biodiesel after the bloc’s executive placed the commodity under ‘registration’ on 23 May, a date that could be used to retroactively apply countervailing duties.
Brazil’s plan to increase its mandatory biodiesel blend by 50% to 15% in all retail diesel by 2025, could be a bonanza for the country’s grain crushing industry.
Argentina exported 65,200 mt of biodiesel in March, up compared to 43,000 mt in the same month the previous year, the latest statistics from Argentina’s Ministry of Energy has showed.
Argentina is expected to export some 700,000 mt of biodiesel during 2018, down from the 1.2 million mt in 2017, Gustavo Idigoras, a consultant with Carbio, told Energy Census.
Argentina’s agriculture minister Luis Etchevehere has held talks with his counterpart, US agriculture secretary Sonny Purdue, to discuss issues including the duties imposed on Argentine biodiesel exports.
Negotiations between Argentina and the United States regarding US import taxes on Argentine biofuels imports are not making any progress, according to a consultant with Argentinian biofuels lobby Carbio.